
Created in 2002, Walopt is a spin-off of the Space Center of Liege (CSL) - University of Liege (Belgium). 
Walopt manufactures and commercializes products from R&D at CSL. The company collaborates with Cockerill Maintenance and Ingenierie or the Belgian Ministry of Defence among others. The Finder 100 for detection of lead and heavy elements by X-fluorescence can be adapted in relation to the application need. 

Other products include
» Optical alignment systems for Defence 
» Qualification of equipment to MIL Standard 
» Optical sighting systems 
» Thermal Characterization: infra-red image for thermal conductivity measurement (thermographic camera) 
» Optical calibration of defence systems 
» Consulting: spacecraft technical risk assessment (insurance) 
» Design and manufacturing of industrial optical systems 
Mr JP Collette 

email: ipcollette@walobt.com 
tel: +32 477 29 73 34
fax: +32 4 372 00 42

Av E. Ysaye 44
4053 Embourg