Tractebel Engineering

Tractebel Engineering -member of the GDF Suez Group- is an Architect- Engineer and Consulting-Engineer active in the energy sector. The company was involved in ITER since more than 10 years through Belgatom and the EFET grouping. 
Assets & experiences
» a staff of 3300, among which more than 1000 graduate engineers and technical experts 
» multidisciplinary competences and 40 years of experience in energy and nuclear technology 
» Architect-Engineer for all seven Belgian NPP's with considerable experience in the field of PWR auxiliaries and cooling systems design 
» large experience in accident transient analysis 
» excellent knowledge of all the main regulatory systems, codes and standards 
» operational experience at all Belgian NPP's 
» radwaste management and fuel cycle activities 
» ISO 9001 certification 

Some twenty projects in the EFDA framework:
» safety analyses, based on complex simulation models using the ATHENA thermal-hydraulic calculation code 
» design studies of the Primary Heat Transfer Systems, the cooling systems, and the related auxiliary systems 
» Site studies 
TRACTEBEL ENGINEERING is interested in assignments for engineering and project management services, i.e. typical Owner's Engineer activities. 
Jacques PIRSON 

Plant Design Manager
Process & Systems
TRACTEBEL Engineering
Tel. :+32 2 773 8377
Mob.: +32 476 964118
Fax :+32 2 773 8900 

7, Avenue Ariane
B-1200 Brussels