Ateliers de la Meuse - ALM S.A.

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Les Ateliers de la Meuse have started their nuclear activities in the early sixties for different Belgian and European projects. After a period of inactivity in the nuclear engineering during the eighties les Ateliers de la Meuse have resumed nuclear activities in 1993 with the fabrication of casks for spent fuel interim storage. Complementary to the supply of casks, the important fabrication means of les Ateliers de la Meuse, place the company in a very competitive position for different maintenance works on steam turbine elements (rotors, diaphragms, front wheels, aso). 

Products, Equipment and/or Services in the nuclear field:
» Machining and welding and final assembly of the casks 
» Design and supply of transport frame for casks 
» Test and controls of casks 
» Design and supply of handling equipments for cask 
Mr Fred Limbort 

tel: +32 4 252 00 30 
Rue Ernest Solvay, 107
4000 Liège