
LayerWise is a leading 3D printing pioneer and a specialist in producing metal components for worldwide industrial, electronics, aerospace, food and pharmaceutical, oil and gas, medical and dental markets. Additive Manufacturing (AM) technology mastered by LayerWise allows to produce lighter parts with optimised performance, simplifies part assembly and eliminates material scrap, increasing economics and reducing ecological footprint. 
» 100% Fit for Purpose: AM design allows freedom to enhance part performance, reduce weight, and eliminate scrap. 
» From Assembly to Monolithic Part: AM replaces your conventional part assembly with a single AM component to reduce cost and maintenance. 
» Serial Production: Produce any prototype component or (personalized) series up to 50,000 pc. 
» Range of Metals and Alloys: Select the optimum AM material from an increasing number of metals and metal alloys, including tantalum and tungsten, with full density of the printed material. 
» High Part Complexity: Produce compact components with complex conformal channels, thin walls and internal features as well as parts up to 400+ millimeters. 
» Research-driven Innovation: The LayerWise R&D team pushes AM technology in collaboration with the University of Leuven. 
» A broad application reach: LayerWise's customer portfolio includes CP Extrusions (extruders), European Space Agency (satellite engine parts), Havells Sylvania (Inconel burners), HyEngine (hydrogen engine valve lifters), Ghent University (tungsten MRI collimators), Procept (pharmaceutic process parts). Most customers are under confidentiality agreement. 
tel : +32 (0)16 29 84 20  

Kapeldreef 60
3001 Leuven