National Instruments Belgium N.V.

National Instruments (NI) transforms the way engineers and scientists around the world design, prototype, and deploy systems for control, automation and embedded design applications. 
Since 1976, National Instruments leverages off-the-shelf semiconductor and computing technology and applies it to control, measurement and automation applications.
Using NI open graphical programming software and modular hardware that conform to both established and emerging industry standards such as the IEEE 488/GPIB standards, PCl/PCI Express architecture, PXI, IEC 61131, customers at more than 25,000 companies annually simplify development, increase productivity, and dramatically reduce time to market. Interoperability is the key differentiator for NI as a supplier of open, modular control, measurement and automation systems, without the risks of proprietary, closed hardware architecture which is a key requirement for large scale projects such as ITER.

Experience : national labs such as CERN, Max Planck Institute, Princeton Plasma Physics Lab (PPPL), Oak Ridge, Los Alamos, Sandia etc... 
Mr Filip Langenaken 

Area Sales Manager
tel: +32 2 757 00 20
tel: + 352 405 120
Fax: +32 2 757 03 11 
lkaroslaan 13
1930 Zaventem